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About me


So, here we are, I’m Beatrice – Bea, if you prefer to make things simpler – and I hope you’ll have a good time here.

 Me, in a nutshell? I love nature and animals; I like to walk in nature for hours, lose myself in the wild. I’m kind and friendly. I am into music and cinema: everything for me is Art. I pour my life and soul into creativity, at every opportunity I keep pushing my limits! For me every single moment is perfect for capturing inspiration; colours and shapes are my muses. I want to be 360-degree creative! But let me dig deeper, to tell you something more about myself. I want to start with my dreams…

  • To find somebody with who to share my emotions, my time and my doubts.

  • To give Life to my projects, to experiment and to think about how to create a better world

  • To build my place, like a creative house in the middle of nature, open to anyone who wants to dream

I reckon I’m a lucky woman because I realized a part of my dreams. I have a lot of special friends with whom every day I share my thoughts and feed my curiosity; they make me feel inspired. On my way I found a lot of people that gave me a chance to voice my ideas, with no limits. I’m working on my third dream… who knows!

My Vision

This all starts with my passion for art, creativity and doing things well

After ten years training as a wood restorer in a Florentine laboratory, decorator and illustrator, as well as in the field of contemporary art, I decided to put my skills at the service of those who can appreciate  them. My goal is to warm your heart with my creativity, to value the place where you spend your time, where you share emotions and feelings. I want to help you to customize your home and events, make it an extension of yourself, ready to welcome, like a hug from the people you love. Cre.Art.S. offers this: care and attention to the world around you, in order to create new emotions and feelings, based on the exaltation of colours and shapes as an actual part of your life.

In this 22 years of experience I’ve met different artists and artisans, experimenting with different materials, techniques and thoughts. Little by little something has come up and I was feeling really close to the environment and pollution issue: after that I decided to change all my materials and techniques to organic and recyclable. Natural pigments combined with lime and oil paints, contemporary art made with recyclable materials and sustainable techniques. I have thus reached my mission: PROTECT NATURE AND ENDANGERED ANIMALS, giving life to works that talk about what we are losing, thus nourishing the memory and trying to sensitize people in order to save what is still possible. I’m a dreamer and I’m sure anything that you want can be achieved, WE SHOULD TRY TOGETHER.


Publications and prizes

Monsiuer con le targhette.jpg

Exhibitions and qualifications


- March 2024 'Exchange' exhibition at Custom House Exeter

- March 2024 'Fun a day' exhibition at Positive Light Project in Exeter

- February/March Exchange drawing at Custom House with the artist Volkhardt Mueller, Exeter

-February 2024 'Fun a day challenges 

- February 2024 Cardboard Facilitator for 'What if' Festival at Theatre Alibi Exeter

- October 2023 project with Burn the curtains 20 wolf masks in cardboard

- June 2023 - Origami Workshop with children at Devon and Exeter Institution

- June 2023 - Origami Workshop at Library Lates in Exeter Library

June 2023 - Art Week Exeter exhibition at Devon and Exeter Institution, We Will Survive

- October 2022 - Dinner with Artist, Poma Liberatutti, Pescia

- July 2022 - Evolver Prize 2022, Ace Arts, Somerton

- June 2020 Online course 'Managing your creative career' with Bridget Sterling

- January 2019 - Looking beyond, Ottica Belpassi, Pescia

- 2017 Art Calendar with origami sculptures for Itema Group with LeRusco's project

- 2016 Bau 13 Contenitore di Cultura contemporanea with LeRusco'project

- June 2016 Dress Codex Exhibitions GAMC Viareggio, Italy

- From 2015 to 2016 Collaborations as Organic Decorator with Disegno, Colore ed Interni Via Augusto Passaglia, Lucca

- from 2014 - Biblioteca Universitaria LM1, Pisa

- October 2014- Wardance, Foro Boario, Lucca

- July 2014 - Cantiere San Bernardo, Pisa

- 2013 Bau 10 Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea with LeRusco'project

- October 2013 - Wardance, Foro Boario, Lucca

- November 2012 - "Stuzzicamenti visivi", Centro Futuramente, Pontedera

- 2011 Bau 8 Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea with LeRusco's project

- From 2011 to 2018 Visual artist in LeRusco artistic duo 

- Apprenticeship at Arte Cornici Aiosa, a frame workshop and contemporary art gallery

- Bachelor in the conservation of cultural heritage, contemporary art

- Apprenticeship at RAM, a laboratory of a Florentine school techniques of restoration and conservation, with a large section of contemporary paintings

- Art High School diploma

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